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Our Ministries


Pastoral Planning Council:  The Pastoral Planning Council   provides consultation to the Parish Leader on matters of pastoral planning and policy.  The Council works with the Parish Leader to discern God’s will, to develop a parish vision, and to clarify the mission of the parish. 

The Council engages in pastoral planning by developing parish goals through dialogue with the various parish committees and ministries. The Council pursues its mission in connection to the larger church, aware of its interdependence with other parishes, the diocese, and the universal church.

Contact: Nick Perkoski  599-8570


Finance Council: The Council’s function is to make recommendations dealing with general financial planning and policies that affect the life and mission of the parish.  Based on review and analysis of financial and other relevant information, the Council sets the basic direction and determines strategies to promote the financial success of the parish.  This role in providing general direction on broad issues is to be distinguished from ordinary administration that continues to be the responsibility of the Parish Leader and parish staff.  It provides a guide for future actions that impact parish finances. The Finance Council meets quarterly at the Parish Office, or as needed.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski   599-8570


Cemetery Board: The Cemetery Board sets policies and procedures for St. Joseph Cemetery.  The Board meets about four times per year at the Parish Office. 

Contact Person:  Ted Grubke   440/223-2553



Parish Committees


e-Ministry:  Volunteering to video tape the weekend Mass for the local cable station as well as Facebook Live / You Tube transmissions.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski 599-8570


Environment Committee:  This group strives to create an atmosphere in which the worshipping assembly can experience God through the visual beauty of the Church environment.  The committee plans and executes the environment for Easter and Christmas.  The committee also maintains a beautifully reverent environment throughout the other liturgical seasons.  The Environment Committee meets on an “as needed” basis.   Meetings are announced in the bulletin.  All are welcome.

Contact:  Parish Office 599-8570


Lenten Fish Dinner Committee:  Fish Dinners are held each Friday during Lent from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Volunteers are needed for set-up on Thursday afternoons and on Fridays during the dinners for taking orders, cooking, serving and clean-up.  An organizational meeting is held prior to the Lenten Season.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski  599-8570


Stewardship Committee: This committee works on projects to increase gifts of time, talent, and treasure for the parish.  Members organize a fund drive when necessary and nurture year-round stewardship awareness with our parish community.

Contact:  Linda Kehoe   599-8570


Worship Committee: The mission statement of the Worship Committee states “As liturgy is the summit of the Church’s activity, the Worship Committee of Corpus Christi Parish helps to better celebrate Christ’s presence in prayer and sacraments through education, planning and evaluation.”  We strive to educate our members on liturgical norms in order to make informed decisions.  We plan all aspects of liturgical events, including the environment and music. We review liturgies and make recommendations for the future.  All members of the parish are invited to attend the meetings.  Meetings are held at the Parish Office at 6:30 p.m. every two months.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski 599-8570





Corpus Christi Cooks:  Corpus Christi Cooks is a group of parishioners who provide funeral lunches for parish families and sponsor other parish activities and events.  Volunteers are needed and welcome.

Contact:  Renea Roach   599-7844


Soup Kitchen:  Mary’s Kitchen provides lunches to the homebound the first and third Wednesday of each month.  There is no in-person service at this time.  Volunteers are needed to help prepare/package/deliver the meals. 

Contact:  Nick Perkoski 599-8570


The Prayer Chain Ministry:  is a group of devoted pray-ers who pray for anyone who has made a request through the church office or through individual Prayer Chain Ministry members.  The chain begins the moment the call is received and is sent to each member through a systematic order, one to the other member.  Each call and the information the caller wishes to share remains confidential.  We keep in touch through the prayer requests that travel via the chain.  Presently, there are ten members.  We welcome new members who will pray for the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of others. We believe in the power of prayer.  Philippians 4:6-7  Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.  Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Contact:  Carol Tinney   593-4569 or  Parish Office   599-8570


Prayer Shawl Ministry:  The Prayer Shawl Ministry serves as an outreach to anyone in need of prayers.  Members gather at 1:30pm at the Parish Office on the third Thursday of the month (Jan – Oct) to work together on shawls.  The following weekend, shawls are blessed and prayed over by all parishioners at Mass before being delivered.  Volunteer members are available each month to teach anyone to knit/crochet or work on the loom. 

Contact:  Linda Kehoe   599-8570



Service Organizations


Knights of Columbus:   Conneaut Council #627 was granted its charter on January 26, 1902.  The local council participates in the “Measure Up” Campaign which raises money for the mentally handicapped.  Membership is open to all Catholic men over the age of 18.  The council meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Parish Office.

Contact:  John Ericksen   593-5165


St. Vincent de Paul Society: The Society is an outreach group to the local community.  The Society provides emergency assistance to those in need in the Conneaut community through donations of the parishioners.  The Society sponsors the St. Joseph’s Table, the Walk for the Poor and the H.A.L.O. (Holiday Angels Loving Others) as well as other special works. New members are always welcome. The Corpus Christi Parish Conference is affiliated with the National and International Society of St. Vincent de Paul as well as the Council for the Diocese of Youngstown.

Contact:  Patricia  Guglielmo   593-3015



Liturgical Ministries


Junior Altar Servers: Throughout the centuries, the presider of the liturgical assembly has been assisted by minor ministers.  These ministers carry out duties that both help the presider and enhance the ceremonial nature of the Church’s liturgy.  The ministry is open to any person, male or female, of good character who has received First Eucharist and is a

Catholic mature enough to carry out the duties with grace and with a sense of importance of what is to be done during the Mass.  Servers are needed for weekends, daily and funeral Masses.

Contact:  Deacon Nick Iarocci   440/645-3520


Music Ministry:  A psalmist, a cantor, an organist, other instrumentalists, a choir, and/or a director of music assist the assembly’s full participation in singing the songs, responses, and acclamations.  These music ministers exercise a liturgical function within the assembly and by their role help to add beauty and solemnity to the celebration.  Music ministers should have a thorough understanding of liturgical theology and tradition, and an appreciation of the role and function of music and liturgy.

Contact:   Nick Perkoski  599-8570


Lectors:  The lector has a dual role: to proclaim the Word of God and to listen to the Word.  Lectors prepare thoroughly at home the week before they are scheduled to read.  They pray with the Scriptures, hoping in faith that God will come to them through the printed words and that they will be able to convey God’s presence to the Assembly.  They are people of the Word.  The role of lector may be performed by any qualified person of mature faith.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski    599-8570


Ushers/Greeters:  They create a welcoming and comfortable environment as the community comes together to celebrate the Eucharist.  They welcome all who arrive for Mass, collect the offertory, and oversee special requests that ensure a respectful assembly.

Contact:  Nick Perkoski 599-8570





Bible Study: Encountering Christ in a deeply personal way through the study of the Bible is available on Wednesday evenings, 6-7:30pm.  Meetings alternate between in person and Zoom. 

Contact:  Nick Perkoski   599-8570


Catechists: “Whoever is called ‘to teach Christ’ must first seek ‘the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus’… From this loving knowledge of Christ springs the desire to proclaim him, … to lead others to him.  Catechists teach students in grades 1-8 according to the curriculum of the Diocese of Youngstown.  They are to be practicing Catholics who live in the Spirit of Jesus, participate in the sacramental life of the Church, and know and witness to the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.  Catechists are to demonstrate an ongoing academic and spiritual growth that is a lived priority in order to nurture personal and communal faith.  They are to be certified or working toward certification according to the Diocesan Office of Religious Education certification guidelines.  They need to be in compliance with the Diocesan Policy on Child Protection and be at least 18 years of age. 

Contact:  Carla Robison   599-8570


RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the Church’s ritual process for calling adults to a conversion of mind and heart and preparing them for a full and active life in the Church as disciples of Jesus.  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children of Catechetical Age, usually around the age of reason, seven years of age, is also available.  The process may take from one to two years.  Volunteers are needed for the team in a variety of ministries: catechists, sponsors, godparent, hospitality, music leader, and support staff. 

Contact:  Nick Perkoski   599-8570


Youth Group:  A group of teens who desire to develop their relationship with Jesus Christ through faith-based discussions, service and social activities. 

Contact:  Nick Perkoski or Scott Gerdes   599-8570


Parish Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group:  This group provides men an opportunity to grow closer in their relationship with God and other men in our parish. The group currently meets on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. 

“Iron is sharpened by iron; Man is sharpened by man.”  Prov. 27:17.

Contact: Deacon Nick Iarocci 599-8570 or


Lenten Renewal Study:  Join us as we walk together during Lent and experience together a renewal and refreshment of our relationship with the Living God, Jesus Christ, during this special season. 

Contact: Deacon Nick Iarocci 599-8570 or


Clerical Ministries


Office Volunteers:  Several times a year volunteers are needed to help with bulk mailings – folding and stuffing envelopes.

Contact:  Linda Kehoe   599-8570


Financial Clerks: A group of two volunteers meet weekly on Monday mornings at the Parish Office to count the weekend collection.  Volunteers meet at 9:30 a.m. and work until the collection has been counted and prepared for deposit.  Volunteers can be scheduled for one to five times during the month.

Contact Person:  Linda Kehoe   599-8570

Corpus Christi Parish

744 Mill St

Conneaut, Ohio 44030

Phone: (440) 599-8570

Fax: (440) 593-6772


                         ©2024 by Corpus Christi Parish. 

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